Gorgeus vs. Matros | E-Stylez 1x1 1/4 final @ Move&Prove 2018

Battle between: Gorgeus [House of Bonchinche] (Saint-Petersburg) Matros [Taэt Vremya/Dark Horse] (Moscow) Judges: • Treaxy • Goku [RK] • Banzay [Banzay] Dj’s: • • Korr Mc Slav Move&Prove International – the biggest Electro dance festival in the world, placed in Russia, Saint-Petersburg. Sound of promo: METHODICAŁ Social media of the project: При поддержке СПб ГБУ «ПЦ «Альбатрос», Администрации Приморского района и НПО Дормост. Released by «Move!» prod. Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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