If you climb to the top of the Altai – Kalmyk Audio Collection

Sandscha Buruschkin performs Kalmyk wedding long song. VLACH ID-number: kalm1244RUA0001a Description:  “Altá deerɪ́nʹ ɣarhýnʹ” (“If you climb to the top of the Altai mountains”) is a Kalmyk folk song in the ut duun genre. It praises the parents and their significant role in a child’s upbringing. The performance of songs dedicated to parents used to be an integral part of Oirat-Kalmyk wedding celebrations. The song Altá deerɪ́nʹ ɣarhýnʹ was published in a compilation book, 100 Kalmyk Folk Songs by L. I. Tsebikov. In addition to the song lyrics, the book includes musical transcriptions. Other variants of this song were published e.g. in Kalmyk Wedding Ritual Poetry by E. Khabunova. In 1959, the song ʹʹАлта деернь гархньʹʹ (“Alta deernʹ garkhnʹ”) was recorded by Sandzhi Mandzhikov and Matrena Zubova and released on 78 RPM vinyl records (Sound Archive, 2013: 203). Cite as:  Alta
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