[VIC2 Modding ] Creating New Cultures

This Victoria 2 modding lesson will show you how to create new culturesin Victoria 2. Timestamps for this tutorial/lesson: 00:00 - Video start 00:16 - Creating Mod File 00:38 - Folder and File Structure 04:15 - Editing Cultures File 12:12 - Editing Pop History Files 18:24 - Culture Localization 22:15 - Extra Syntax (Setting accepted cultures) Useful links: Iron Workshop Discord server: My twitch channel: Victoria 2 wiki modding page: If you would like to contribute to make the Iron Workshop better you can do so on Patreon: Here are the download links to the various tools used during The Iron Workshop lessons/tutorials. Notepad Download: Download: Please consider disabling your AdBlocker on YouTube to support
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