Forbidden Tomb (Indonesia) — Regnum Spiritus — 2023 full length

The fourth album of this solo Indonesian solo act. This act from the Order of The Abyssal Moon has been one of the few that brought the Indonesian raw scene to us and still continues on his decrepit voyage of this entity. This might be the most harmonious record so far. It creates a thin pellicule that coats the profuse harshness and chaos that it still irradiates. This enhancement in the songwriting does not impair at all the atmosphere, just gives a better seat for the abyssal voyage. Feel the chill in your bones as the darkness slowly invades your body and becomes you, or you the darkness .. Cassette available through via Banner of Blood, CD through Morbid Chapel Records and vinyl through Goatowarex Band: Forbidden Tomb Album: Regnum Spiritus Year: 2023 Label: Banner of Blood / Morbid Chapel Records / GoatowaRex Genre: Raw Black Metal Country: Indonesia
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