One Second of Every Homestuck Song

30 Albums, 610 tracks and around 31 Hours, 24 Minutes condensed into around 10 minutes and 10 seconds. THIS IS INCREDIBLY SILLY. (WHY DOES IT SAY ’UPLOADED APRIL 12TH’ I WAITED UNTIL IT WAS 4/13 EXACTLY BLEH. HAPPY 4/13 ANYWAY) (13/4/2020 EDIT: Well I’m glad this video wasn’t outdated for a full year at least lol, I will maybe make a more updated version of this when there’s enough official new albums that I feel it justified.) (13/4/2023 EDIT: Nice to see people still coming back to this vid; it’s cool that I’ve made something that’s entertained a bunch of people in much the same way everyone else’s Homestuck videos entertained me way back when.)
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