Pick up the Unclicked / Traction Coffee collab! $5 from every bag goes toward paying travel expenses for a special guest—voted by you guys—to come do the show... Leave a comment with some suggestions. Brandon Semenuk is an absolutely amazing rider, arguably one of the best riders in the world—on any bike. Brandon’s roots in BMX were not as deep as I assumed they were, but his love for it is pretty easy to see. So sit back and enjoy two hours of insight into the other side of the freestyle bicycle riding... WHAT IS OUR BMX?! In short, we are the Ride BMX staff out on our own. We’re building from the ground up and our goal is pretty simple. We want to continue what we love. We want to create great content, feature awesome riders, and contribute, push, and show why we love BMX. We sincerely appreciate any and all support... —Ryan Fudger, Jeff Zielinski, Adam Watkins, and Justin Benthien.
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