7 second Viper, 4 Rotor MADNESS, & MORE! (TX2K21 Day 2)

The second day of TX2K doubled down on excitement as some of the CRAZIEST passes in TX2K history were made! Roll racing eliminations this year were some of the scariest passes we’ve ever seen, and drag racing classes faced some serious traction problems with the colder than usual weather here in Baytown, TX. Racing here at Houston Raceway Park has never been more exciting, especially for Kyle finally being able to go rounds with his AMS built Audi R8! Day 2 here covered the emotional spectrum all the way from exciting to terrifying, but we’re only halfway through and there is a lot of action left to happen through the weekend! Stay tuned to all of 1320Video’s media accounts for updates the rest of the event! Watch TX2K21 LIVE all 4 days on Floracing: TX2K21 Day 1 Highlights: Subscribe ► 1320Video Gear ► —————————————————————————————
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