Upcoming: REDISCOVER CHINESE MUSIC 即将播出:中央民族乐团大型民族乐剧《又见国乐》

Rediscover Chinese Music is the second grand Chinese national traditional musical performance presented by the China National Traditional Orchestra, with Xi Qiang as the producer, Wang Chaoge as the general director and screenwriter, and Jiang Ying as the composer and arranger. The whole performance selects ten classic musical pieces of ancient and modern times, such as High Mountains and Flowing Water, A Moonlit Night on the Spring River, Ambush from All Sides, Reflections of the Moon on the Spring, Spring Festival Overture and Yellow River. With an adaptation and recreation on these songs, the performance aims at bringing back the classics in the modern context and establishing them into modern classics. 中央民族乐团推出的第二部大型民族乐剧,由席强总策划、王潮歌担任总导演/总编剧、姜莹担任作曲/编曲。全剧选取《高山流水》《春江花月夜》《十面埋伏》《二泉映月》《春节序曲》《黄河》等十首横贯古今的经典名曲,并以此为基础进行改编与再创作,旨在用“经典”重塑经典,让“经典”在新时代的语境中得以重现。 #ChinaNationalTraditionalOrchestra #中央民族乐团 #又见国乐 Subscribe to the China National Traditional Orchestra ’s youtube channel: http
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