Powyższe utwory nie są moją własnością, nie czerpię korzyści z umieszczenia ich na You Tube.
Spis utworów:
1. “King of the ghetto“ - Dusty Man
2. “Don’t cry tonight“ - Savage
3. “Frog in Spain“ - Fake
4. “Florida“ - Paul Sharada
5. “The night“ - Valerie Dore
6. “Happy World“ - Ranko
7. “Hey hey Guy“ - Ken Laszlo
8. “Satisfaction, Love & Passion“ - Duke Lake
9. “Penguins’ invision“ - Scotch
1 view
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🏕️ Where would you place this expandable home?
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Musical Mayra | Mayra Artist Singer | Mayra Artist Singer Instagram
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최고의 대왕 해산물 요리, 16kg 대왕 문어, 1미터 대왕 갈치 구이, 대왕 킹크랩, The Best Giant Seafood in Korean, Giant Octopus