Modern Columbus - Vladimir Vestanovitch To Cross Atlantic In 20 Foot Dinghy (1949)

Portishead, England. Vestanovitch to cross Atlantic in 20 foot dinghy. Documentation states the smallest boat to try and cross the Atlantic, 20 feet long, 5 feet 6 inches long. Built by 28 year old Russian, he left Russia in 1939 served in the Foreign Legion, Free French forces, the Royal Air forces. The boat cost £60 to build. . Harbour at Portishead, Vladimir Vestanovitch at head of mast on his small boat. LV. Vestanovitch climbing down mast. SV. Angle shot Vestanovitch climbing down mast. LV. Vestanovitch reaching deck of craft, in which he plans to sail round the world. CU. Vestanovitch. SV. Vestanovitch moving sail into position. CU. Vestanovitch with sail on shoulder moving it into position. He walks out of picture. CU. Hatchway of conning tower opens Vestanovitch appears with map. Portishead. SV. Vestanovitch with map, opening it. CU. His fingers tracing course he will take. SV. Sextant, shotgun and shark hook on deck. Hand picks sharp hook pan up to Vestanovitch. CU. Shark hook. SV.
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