Knife attacker stabs MULTIPLE people on LIVE STREAM in German city as armed police rush to scene...

BREAKING: The assailant could be seen rampaging through the city’s Marktplatz square with a bloody knife in hand, attacking bystanders and campaigners for German anti-Islamist group BPE. Multiple people have been injured after a knifeman apparently stabbed members of the public on a YouTube live stream in the German city of Mannheim. This is the latest update on a consistently updating story. #gbnews #uknews #germany #stabbing #trending #latest #breakingnews #breaking Keep up to date with the latest news at Don’t let them silence us - support GB News here: Twitter: Facebook: Download the GB News app! You can watch GB News on all of your favourite devices and keep up to date with the latest news, analysis, opinion and more.
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