Irregular Verb Rap Song Stick, Stuck, Stuck by Fluency MC ORIGINAL VERSION with Lyrics

Irregular Verb Rap Song Stick, Stuck, Stuck by Fluency MC ORIGINAL VERSION now with COMPLETE LYRICS in the video and BELOW! Click here to watch STICK 2, the FOLLOW-UP irregular verbs rap song! SUBSCRIBE: FREE LYRICS BOOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: LYRICS: The microphone I TAKE (took, taken). You SHAKE (shook, shaken). WAKE (woke, woken) to the style I’m creating. THINK (thought, thought). SEEK (sought, sought). listen to the lesson that I TEACH (taught, taught). Don’t SLEEP (slept, slept). I CREEP (crept, crept). I SNEAK (snuck, snuck up). You LEAP (leapt, leapt). I KEEP (kept, kept) having fun. I’m never BEAT (beat, beaten); I WIN (won, won). DO (did, done). BEGIN (began, begun). SHOOT (shot, shot). No, I don’t own a gun. I LEAD
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