Paint this lovely lavender in watercolor using the Bokeh effect

BOKEH has opened exciting new worlds for watercolorists. Heinrich demonstrates how to create this beautiful, soft bokeh with lavenders. Come paint with us and share your creativity with us on INSTAGRAM. Feel free to add SUGGESTIONS or give FEEDBACK in the COMMENT section, and please share our video with other beginners. Let’s take this journey together! 🗣️[CC] SUBTITLES are available in several languages. 📫Have a look at the COMMUNITY tab on our channel to see what’s new, and to chat with us😊 🔔 Subscribe to our channel: 🙋‍♂️TALK TO US🙋‍♂️ 📫Community Tab: 🖼️INSTAGRAM: The brushes, colours and paper used for this painting are listed below. 🖌️BRUSHES:
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