What Happens if you Smoke Marijuana Before The Gym

A Science-Based review on the effects of working out while high. Discover if Marijuana is good or bad for exercise performance, fat loss, and muscle growth. Find out exactly what happens to your body when you smoke weed before going to the gym & lifting weights. 🔥 FREE 6 Week Shred: 📲 Diet/Workout Calculator: As marijuana legalization efforts grow and with many states already allowing recreational marijuana use, more and more people wonder how weed can affect their weight, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and the overall results that they see from exercise. So today I want to give you guys a non-bias science-based review of marijuana and how exactly it can help or hurt your muscle building and fat loss goals. First of all of its important to understand that marijuana was originally made illegal not because of any proven harmful effects but instead it was done to suppress certain minority groups and to snuff ou
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