Advanced Tutorial: The Amazing Pill VFX breakdown

Plugin used: Sapphire Plugin for Sony Vegas 3:53 - 3d layer 6:51 - Smooth transition 6:51 10:18 - Creating fake website 11:37 - Making the pill glow 11:37 17:00 - Making extreme glitch and si-fi looking overlay 17:00 20:43 - Glitch effect 20:43 21:45 - Glitch teletransportation 24:31 - Shooting, muzzle flash and masking 27:10 - Deploying, enemies, mask, shooting and motion tracking 34:10 - Shooting “shock wave“ effect 35:42 - Cinematic look with vignette 36:40 - “High“ on weed effect 37:50 - 3D galssed changin color
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