How to Repaint a Building

(Yes, I got it wrong the first time!) This was really easy and made such a difference to the model building.  I started it 4 years’ ago and it has just languished because something just always bothered me... the colour. Here’s how I repainted it in 4 easy steps. I’m really pleased how the buildings turned out.  Let me know what you think in the comments below. Materials The Amazon links are all items I have either bought or bought something similar to myself. Clicking on any links to Amazon will give me a small affiliate income which I use to produce more videos. Every little helps! A building you’ve already painted and it’s just not doing it for you any more... Vallejo or other artists’ acrylic colours.  I used Vallejo Blue Grey Pale (), Black Grey (), Dark Sand () and White () Acrylic Flow Improver - I used Windsor & Newton but there are loads of different makes  Mig Productions Dark Wash - any dark wash will do and you can make your own if you prefer from enamel paint and white spirit White Spirit Index 00:17 Method 07:07 Final Result If you are enjoying the series then please subscribe for the next instalment. Support me on Patreon at: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the Amazon EU Associates Programme, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to , and affiliated sites.
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