Feng Ziqiang Xinjia Yilu and Elbow Set

Vintage Chen Taiji video, this was the first commercially available video in the United States. It was offered for sale through martial arts magazines starting in 1991 by a Taiji instructor named Gene Chen, who I consider one of the first instructors to offer Chen Taiji in the United States. There were two sets, four VHS videos. In each set there was a Xinjia Yilu on one tape and a Xinjia Erlu on the second. One set was of Chen Xiaowang and the second set of Feng Ziqiang. What is unique about these tapes are that they showed a first glimpse into the Chen Village with Chen Xiaowang in the background, Chen Zhenglei performing a few moves of the sword, and Chen Yu performing a few Xinjia movements. This tape is of Feng Ziqiang performing Xinjia Yilu followed by an elbow set.
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