Echoes Of Silence | 1 hour handpan music | Malte Marten

This lake 💛 it is my sanctuary in times of transformation. Gives me comfort in times of grief. Here I have conquered the cold, here I experience oneness. It is this place where I find back myself when I feel lost and the place where my heart and mind find peace. This song has evolved over the past two weeks while I have gone through deep personal processes of letting go and refocusing. May it serve you 🤍 Learn with me: Join my mailinglist to unlock my secret album and access my exclusive handpan learning videos for free: Played on a F# Nodlys 15 Handpan made by @AyasaInstruments ...Connect with me: @maltemarten Listen to my music on Spotify: Get your handpan here: Donations are appreciated &#
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