Ruben Östlund, Dolly de Leon & Zlatko Burić on Triangle of Sadness | NYFF60

Ruben Östlund and cast members Dolly de Leon and Zlatko Burić discuss Triangle of Sadness, a Main Slate selection of this year’s festival, with Dennis Lim. Cinematic mischief maker Östlund liberally applies his customary playfulness to the wide canvas of his wildly ambitious, frequently hilarious latest film, which won the Swedish director his second Palme d’Or at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Kicking off as a satirical romance, following the bickering, money-soured relationship between two hot young models (Harris Dickinson and Charlbi Dean), the three-part film escalates into increasing absurdity after they are invited on a luxury cruise, where they rub elbows with the super-rich, as well as a disheveled and disillusioned, Marx-spouting sea captain (Woody Harrelson). To tell more would ruin the Buñuelian twists of this poison-dipped farce on class and economic disparity, which doesn’t skewer contemporary culture so much as dunk it in raw sewage. More info: http://filmli
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