Grand Music from China 中央民族乐团《泱泱国风》音乐会

Grand Music from China is one of the most iconic concerts presented by the China National Traditional Orchestra (CNTO). It’s created on the basis of traditional Chinese music style while emphasizing on the unique features of traditional Chinese musical instruments from a brand new perspective. It showcases the most representative music styles of different regions and ethnic groups across China. The concert unfolds the grandeur and beauty of the vast territory of China through grand music pieces of distinctive regional characteristics. With rich content and diverse expression, the concert presents not only the cultural and customary diversity of China, but also a new trend and a new image of Chinese traditional music in the new era. This concert is conducted by Liu Sha, Principal Conductor of CNTO, and performed by the renowned pipa player Zhao Cong with another one hundred musicians from the also features the renowned violinist Liu Yunzhi’s first performance with musi
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