Chiang Mai to Bangkok Overnight Train, Second Class Sleeper

Travel from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and Bangkok to Chiang Mai by overnight train! Tour of the second class sleeper. My first overnight train experience and Thailand did not disappoint! This is a cheaper travel alternative to flying in Thailand and can save you a night of accommodations. Would you ride this train? WATCH THAILAND TRAVEL GUIDE: SUBSCRIBE NOW: Hi everyone! The overnight sleeper train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and vice versa have a variety of seat options. You can get a second class sleeper like the one shown in the video or 1st class sleeper which is a private room. There’s also an even cheaper second class fan option. After that you can get a non-sleeper train seat for 300-600 baht, that’s only $9-24 to travel across Thailand. Of course during off season a flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok can range from $18-24 and takes only an hour and a half. Hahah, the train travel method is getting a little outdated
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