Official film of victorious campaign in Sinai desert

(5 Jun 1967) 06/12/67 a0041339 sinai: official film of victorious campaign in sinai desert: ln 00137 “sinai campaign“ shows: gv tanks across: ms tanks towards: ms tanls past: gv tanks and pan convoy: traveling shot: ms girl in cab: ms cab: ms more tanks: cu tank: ms two tanks: cu tanks and men: gv preparing tanl: soldiers operating turret: ms man carries shell: ms tank firing: tank fiires: muzzles firing: ms officer watch: muzzle of tank with shell burst: gv tank firing and pan: cu officer with binoculars: gv fires: cu burning truck: same: same: gv same: same: gv smoke: trucks forward: gv tanks: ms israeli troops on jeep same: past burning vehicle: battered vehicles, gv and pan: ms tanks and pan: gv egyptians surrender: ms prisoners rounded up: rear shot of same: (shot 6/5-10/67 93ft) note: good scenes: yearender israel arab dispute israel - army military vehicles - tanks - gt, britain - centurion prisoners -f war - uar upitn / 93 ft / 16 fgm / pos / r21198 93 ft / 16 dupe / neg / 06/12/67 a0041339 sinai: official film of victorious campaign in sinai desert: ln 00137 “sinai campaign“ shows: (shot 6/5-10/67 93ft) note: good scenes: yearender israel arab dispute israel - army military vehicles - tanks - gt, britain - centurion prisoners -f war - uar upitn / 93 ft / 16 fgm / pos / r21198 93 ft / 16 dupe / neg / Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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