Эй Турă, тупата 🙏 Hey Tura, tupata

Эй Турă, тупата! (О, Боже!). Турă - чувашское “Бог“. Тупа - чувашское “клятва, клятвенный“. Чувашская песня. Чуваська пісня. Piosenka czuwaska. Исполнение: Сергей Павлов, Заслуженный артист Чувашской Республики. Ej Tură, tupata! O, God! (tupa-oath) Chuvash song by Sergey Pavlov, merited artist of Chuvash republic. Chuvash art. Tură - so the Chuvash Christians call God. Tură Yvălĕ Iisus Hristos - The Son of God Jesus Christ. Even before the Chuvash (ancient Bolgars and Suvars) became Christians, they called the Creator - Tură. Ancient Norsemen (Vikings) borrowed notion of “Thor“ from the ancient Bulgars on Don. The capital of Great Bulgaria was in Poltava, Ukraine. The grave of Kubrat, the king of Great Bulgaria, was found near Pereshchepyne, Poltava region, Ukraine. Молитвы утренние на чувашском языке / Morning Orthodox Christian prayers in Chuvash: ТЕКСТ
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