5 идей для “космических“ поделок своими руками

#1MinuteCrafts #OneMinuteCrafts #SpaceCraftsDIY #DIY Help kids explore space with these fun space crafts. Here are the 5 DIY space projects you can build yourself. Try them today. Happy crafting! The perfect jetpack toy for your kids that can be built easily with a few recyclables. Things needed: Plastic bottles, color spray, hot glue gun, craft sheet, ruler, pencil, stars, paper glass, stationary knife, paint, paintbrush, scissors, glue, rope. Pose with this space helmet photo prop and pretend like you are in space! Things needed: paper plate, paint, paintbrush, pencil, stationary knife, craft paper, scissors, foam sheet, ruler, hot glue gun, pom- pom balls, sketch pens, long toothpick. Build a solar system model by yourself. Things needed: Plastic tub, cardboard sheet, paint, paintbrush, tissue, long toothpick, craft paper, geometry compass, scissors, hot glue gun, clay, strings, star stickers. Build your own space rocket. Things needed: Craft sheets,
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