Dr. Judy Wood - Dustification (911 Attacks)

On the 13th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, former professor of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University, Dr. Judy Wood, appeared in the first half of the show, presenting evidence that the destruction of the WTC buildings was the result of directed energy technology. The Towers didn’t collapse or burn up, they turned to dust in mid-air-- this is known because seismic charts don’t indicate that the buildings slammed into the ground, she detailed. “There’s no detectable S or P waves for any of the five events,“ which would be present in the case of a controlled demolition, she continued. In contrast to some involved in the ’9-11 Truth’ movement, Wood contends that bombs or explosions are ruled out as the cause of the buildings’ destruction, and that the so-called evidence for thermite is just residue from the structures’ aluminum cladding. Further, the hijacked jets could not have turned the structures into dust, she said. Directed energy technology is not like a point-and-shoot laser beam but more akin to a field effect, where a certain zone is affected, she explained, adding that she suspects that the people who jumped from the Towers did so to escape this effect.
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