Equestrian Historical European Martial Arts - EHEMAG 2017

EHEMAG is a four day event bringing together enthusiasts, researchers and instructors from around the world to reconstruct historical mounted martial arts traditions using original sources from Victorian cavalry saber to medieval mounted combat. WHAT ABOUT ``EHEMAG`` ? In the late medieval era, countless manuals were written on the arts of to the nature of the era, chief among these arts was what the German tradition called Rossfechten, mounted combat. Our Gathering is dedicated to the revival and recreation of this art, not just from the Medieval period, but the countless traditions before and after. The manuals show us the high level of riding and fencing that were needed to ensure ones survival. A collected horse and refined bladework were more important for success than brute strength. Join us and rediscover a discipline that combines high level equestrianism and martial arts to create the trade of princes and kings ian Historical European Martial Arts Gathering ( .
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