The heroism of our warrior and a true example of self-sacrifice! - 2

The heroism of our warrior and a true example of self-sacrifice! - 2 A serviceman of the 1430th Motorised Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Motorised Rifle Division, Lieutenant Pavel Yankov with the call sign “Casper“ saved his fighting comrades from an enemy drone strike by covering them with himself. Now the hero is doing well, he is undergoing treatment in hospital and was able to personally tell about his heroic deed. During the reflection of unsuccessful attacks of the AFU on Orekhovsky sector Kasper saw that he and his comrades were caught in the crosshairs of an enemy drone. Pavel did not hesitate to take an armoured waistcoat, stretched out his arms and automatically directed the protection in the direction of the flying drone, closing as much as possible the gap in the trench where his combat comrades were. As a result, all soldiers were injured but survived. InfoDefenseENGLISH InfoDefense Источник: InfoDefenseENGLISH
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