Psychology, what is it? Best Bible Definition for Humans

Psychology, what it’s all about. Here’s the ultimate definition related to human beings. We’ve solved the mind-body problem. Consciousness is neshama, and mind is ruach, the two spiritual components God gives (Genesis 2:7) that make each human unique. Humans are in contact with both the physical world, the energy packets around them, AND God through the Holy Spirit in due time. Psyche The number of translations in Hebrew and Greek reveals the difficulty with the concepts of spirit and mind. In Hebrew, mind is translated by the words: zimma (plan - H2154), yetzer (purpose - H3336), lev (heart - H3820), nefesh (soul - H5315), peh (mouth - H6264), and ruach (spirit - H7307). There are 15 Greek words rendered mind or derivatives like bring to mind. The principal words are noos (understanding - G3563) and phroneo (understanding - G5426). The primary Greek word is psuche (G5990), from which we get psycho, the first part of psychology. It appears 109 times and is rendered m
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