We took Owen into @TractorSupply to celebrate its monthlong event called Out Here With Animals! Stores nationwide are celebrating animals of all kinds during Out Here With Animals this month with special events and deals. While we were at Tractor Supply, we picked up fly spray, dewormer, hoof conditioner, treats, and a hay net for Owen—just a few of the essentials that we regularly shop at Tractor Supply for! This Saturday, Aug. 25, be sure to visit your local Tractor Supply for local pet adoptions, to donate to a pet supplies drive to benefit animal organizations in your community, to take ad...vantage of huge sales and more. You can even bring your leashed, friendly animal with you! Find out more at #Sponsored FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM @CLAIREEVENTING FOR A $50 TSC GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY COMING SOON! WARNING! Please do not try this at home. This is a situation that can be very dangerous for you, your horse, and the people around you. This is a sponsored video by Tractor Supply and the store was given a heads up that I was coming by beforehand so that they could prep the store and make sure it would be safe for us. My brother, friend, and boyfriend Denton’s cousin also work at this store and were able to help with this as well! I am also a professional in the equine industry and know my horse and I would be able to handle this kind of interaction with no problems! He showed me no signs of discomfort in the store, otherwise I would’ve called it and taken him out of the store. I also made sure to get booties for him so that he would have traction on the concrete floors. Many other safety precautions were taken that I did not mention as well. Instagrams: Snapchat: claireemikywood BUY MY MERCH: BUY MY HAT W/ MY LOGO: email shop@ to order SEND MAIL/PACKAGES TO: Claire Wood P.O. BOX 863 Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 USA Twitter: Website: Facebook: TIP JAR: Paypal- @ (thank you all for your donations, everything I get goes to help me keep riding and producing content for you guys) Boyfriend’s Instagram:
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