The End of the War in Colour | Part 5: Winners & Vanquished | Free Documentary History
The End of the War in Colour - Part 5: Winners & Vanquished | History Documentary
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At the beginning of July, the American camera teams are also allowed to film in Berlin. They manage to get unique colour shots of the destroyed capital and its inhabitants. While George Stevens does not get permission to film the Potsdam Conference, Major Lawton is at least allowed to be present at the first meeting of the new US President Harry Truman with Kremlin ruler Josef Stalin.
When US troops conquer Nazi Germany from the west in March 1945, camera teams follow them, documenting the defeated and occupied country. The special feature: they shoot in 16mm colour. The result is unique film footage of the destroyed cities and its inhabitants, but also depressing images of the victims of terror and the policy of extermination.
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