Vienna Walk Graben, Kohlmarkt & Kärntner Strasse, April 2024 | 4K HDR

Consider subscribing: Location: Vienna, Austria Date: April 2024 Weather: Sunny Air Quality Index (AQI): 40 (Good) Air temperature: 18° C / 64° F Humidity: 54% 0:00 Kärntner Strasse 8:40 Neuer Markt 11:20 Kärntner Strasse 14:20 Domkirche St. Stephan 16:20 Graben 24:15 Kohlmarkt 28:45 Michaelerplatz Information about Vienna: Hello from Vienna, the capital of Austria. It is also the largest city von Austria, known for its rich cultural heritage, classic music und historic architecture. Vienna has also a vibrant art scene, with numerous museums and galleries. The city is synonymous wit...h classical music, having been the residence of famous composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Strauss. The city is recognized for its high quality of life and consistently ranks among the worlds most livable cities. Information about this video: It’s April in Vienna,
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