Let’s Play - Final Fantasy XIV - Part 3 - Whispers In The Desert
Part 3 of my ’Let’s Play’ gameplay and commentary in the MMO, Final Fantasy XIV, by Square Enix.
In this episode we’re finally joined by my special guest Paulina (aka ’xxwhispers’ from YouTube) as we take our first steps outside the safety of the city and set off to Camp Black Brush - an outpost across the desert plains of Thanalan. Along the way we gain our first taste of open-world combat as we face off against a number of strange and wonderful creatures, before finally reaching the camp where we learn about Aetheryte Crystals and how to initiate levequests.
Part 2:
Part 4:
xxwhispers on YouTube:
(Thanalan theme)
All content © 2011 Square Enix Co., Ltd.