Rules of Chinese Wushu Tuishou Competition

Traditional Shanxi Xingyi Quan On the base of Taiji Tuishou, Wushu Tuishou is a kind of civilized athleticisms, in which the competitors make efforts to have the opponent fall down to the ground due to loss of balance. On the principles of Touch, Join, Stick, Follow, and “no hit with separated hand,“ t he competitors utilize the hand techniques, such as Lv (roll back), Ji (squeeze), An (press), Cuo (scrub), Dai (lead), and the leg techniques, such as Bie (clip), Gou (hook), Ban (Stumble), Gua (hang). Thus, Wushu Tuishou is also called civilized Sanshou (free fighting). The rules for the competition shown on this disk are explained by Zhang Zigui, one of the prominent martial artists, and demonstrated by Wu Shijun and Liu Jun. Wu is a famous Chinese martial artist, and Liu is one of the champions of China Wushu Championships. This disk provides the competitors and judges of Tuishou with an excellent learning material which gives a detail account of allowed techniques, prohibited parts, and scoring
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