#51 with Freddie Wong | Binge Eater Podcast

This week, Harley, Donnie, and Big Lynch welcome a special guest, Freddie Wong! Freddie is literally the first YouTuber to collaborate with Epic Meal Time. The boys come together to engage in discussions about food, content creation, old Youtube vs new YouTube, being nerds, pottery, and a wide array of other topics. Check out Freddie’s podcast Follow Freddie for updates on his new movie - We’re All Gonna Die IG/Twitter: @fwong YT: @RocketJump TikTok: @rocketjump Tumblr: @thefwong Watch Epic VFX Time: You can follow and listen to Binge Eater on your preferred podcast platform: Tell us... what you think at r/EpicMealTime, @EpicMealTime on twitter, or bingeeater@ Make sure to subscribe and follow the Binge Eater podcast. New episodes every Monday! 00:00 Show us your amazon purchases 01:15 Freddie gives a free AI business idea 03:45 How Freddie and Harley first met 06:59 Getting high on paint thinner steaks 08:32 What it was like as a tech nerd growing up 18:03 What’s in our content feed 20:30 Falling for internet scams: Boomers vs Millenials 28:57 Can you squat? 32:54 Being funny vs handsome 36:00 Thoughts on content in 2023 and where it is heading 55:33 Freddie breaks down the top pottery content creators 59:11 Donnie learns that Freddie was the Guitar Hero world Champ 1:11:25 How Asian culture has taken over 1:19:26 Freddie reveals his favourite fast food 1:22:55 Like, comment, subscribe EPIC MEAL TIME MERCH: WATCH MORE EPIC VIDEOS: SUBSCRIBE TO EPIC MEAL TIME FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY: CHECK OUT OUR NEW REDDIT PAGE: FOLLOW EPIC MEAL TIME: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TIKTOK | @epicmealtime TWITTER | FOLLOW THE SAUCE BOSS: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | h TIKTOK | @harleyplays TWITTER | TWITCH |
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