LEGO NINJAGO | The Fold | Day Of The Departed (Official Music Video)
Pick up “ALL AGES“, The Fold’s complete LEGO Ninjago set of music, featuring 26 hit songs here:
Well, hello there... It’s the most eerie time of the year. It’s just after nightfall at the hall of villainy. Muhahahahahaha!
Here it is, the title track from Cartoon Network’s October TV Special “Day of the Departed“ which aired today.
Download “Day of the Departed“:
“Day of the Departed“ directed by Aaron Green ()
Recorded & produced by The Fold.
Additional Scoring by Mike Kramer ()
Mixed and mastered by Marty Abezetian ()
Written by The Fold © 2016 JAM Music Company
Written for LEGO Ninjago - Day of the Departed TV special.
The Fold:
Official Ninjago Site: