Сенсорная перегрузка

Некоторым людям с аутизмом трудно одновременно обрабатывать интенсивные множественные сенсорные ощущения. Эта анимация дает зрителю представление о сенсорной перегрузке и о том, как часто наши сенсорные ощущения переплетаются с повседневной жизнью. Created as part of Mark Jonathan Harris’ and Marhsa Kinder’s “Interacting with Autism.“ Coming in January 1st 2013, IWA is a three-year transmedia project funded by the federal Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ). University Professor Marsha Kinder, the Executive Director of the Labyrinth Project at USC, and Mark Harris are heading a team of filmmakers and artists working to build an interactive, video intensive website that will focus on the best available treatments for autism. FULL CREDITS LIST: Director and Animator: Miguel Jiron Produced and Developed by: Scott Mahoy, Creative Director of Interacting with Autism Sound Designer & Mixer: Katie Gately Produced for Interacti
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