The Is-Ought Controversy

Join my Patreon for advance access to these videos, free guitar tablatures, access to my Don Ross Guitar Academy, and a host of other goodies! Guitar tablature available here: Here’s a new video of my tune “The Is-Ought Controversy,“ originally recorded for my debut CD BEARING STRAIGHT in 1989. I’m sitting in front of the flag of the Mi’kmaq First Nation, of which I am a proud member. I believe in the equality of all peoples and the recognition of past wrongs committed by colonial structures, and restitution for these wrongs. The tune’s title comes from a philosophical conundrum that Scottish thinker David Hume spent far too much time thinking about. When I was an undergraduate student, studying music and philosophy, I had to write a paper about this problem (essentially concerning whether or not one can derive how things ought to be by observing the way they are, and so on blah blah!). In order to get my feet
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