Milk reception in dairies and cheese plants | KROHNE
A precise measurement of the delivered milk is mandatory for calculating the mass balance and yield of a dairy or cheese plant. How can we measure precisely how much raw milk has been delivered? Typically milk is delivered by road tankers, with the milk being conveyed from the truck to the buffer tanks using a hose connection and pumps. To measure the delivered quantity exactly was historically very difficult for some Coriolis flowmeters. This was because at the beginning and the end of the delivery, the hoses and pipes, as well as the flowmeter are partly empty. The Entrained Gas Management technology, that was developed by KROHNE, overcomes this problem, and keeps the Coriolis meter in measuring mode - despite these gas inclusions. Using the KROHNE EGM™ the meter is able to precisely record all the milk delivered. In addition, the meter gives a separate indication of a milk-air mixture, detecting the end of a batch. Further, all commissioning, diagnosis and verification of the OPTIMASS Coriolis meter can