“Jersey Joe“ World Champ (1951)

Full title reads: “’Jersey Joe’ World Champ“. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America (USA). Interview with boxer Jersey Joe Walcott after he knocked out Ezzard Charles. CU World heavyweight boxing champion Jersey Joe with well-wishers. SV Mrs Wallcott with their six children reading newspaper outside home. CU Mrs Walcott with youngest member of family. SV Jersey Joe lifting small boy into air at his Pittsburgh training camp. SV Jersey Joe walking away. CU Kid paper crown on Walcott’s head. CU Smiling Walcott with crown. MV Jersey Joe with Felix Bocchicchio - his trainer. CU Felix asks Joe. ’How do you feel?. ’I never felt better in my life. The question is, how do you feel?. ’I feel great Joe, I knew all the time you were going to stop this fellow.’ SV ’Joe, Last night that punch you put Charles on the canvas with, a lot of people didn’t see. Will you execute it on me so that the public can see the actual blow.’ ’I’ll sure execute it on you but I know another fellow that didn’t see i
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