The Hymn of Isis in the Golden Parade (Translation + Pronunciation)

This is an English translation for the Awe Hymn of goddess Isis from the texts of her temple at Deir el Chelouit. The Hymn was first published by: S. Rüter, Habt Ehrfurcht Vor Der Gottheit Nn: Die Snd-n-hymnen in Den Agyptischen Tempeln Der Griechisch-romischen Zeit, Gladbeck, 2009. Please consider that the orchestra chose separate sentences from the original hymn and composed them into the current version. The full texts were revised with orchestra by Prof. Maisra Abdallah, the Professor at the Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University. The Translation of the video is made by Mr. Mina Samy Fareed, Lecturer Assistant at the Tourism Guidance Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University.
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