How does a Rocket Oven Work?

The core of the rocket oven is the same as the core of a j-tube style rocket mass heater. A super insulated wood feed, burn tunnel and heat riser. This pushes the temperatures over 1500 degrees farenheit which burns the smoke and creosote completely - so now the smoke and creosote are bonus fuels. We can now heat the oven with less fuel and the exhaust will be mostly steam and carbon dioxide. The “white oven“ area is a simple, metal container which conducts heat from the exhaust into the area where the food cooks. So the exhaust never touches the food. And the fire never touches the metal of the inner oven. The outside of the rocket oven is insulated to force the heat exchange with the inner chamber rather than ambient air. The heat is extracted from the hot gasses leaving behind cooler gasses. The warmer gasses rise to the top of the outer chamber, thus forcing the cooler gasses to the bottom. The vertical exhaust at the back of the oven is warmer than ambient air,
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