USA / DEFENCE: US President Roosevelt addresses international students (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit International Youth Convention rallies three hundred delegates of all nations to hear inspiring message from President Roosevelt. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: No Betrayer After War Pledges . USA: Washington, D.C: EXT GV Department of Labour buildings, cars lined up outside / Mass of students walking towards and entering building / Group shot standing left to right Russian, Gt. Britain, Holland and British Delegates, sitting left to right Russian, Holland and Gt. Britain youth delegates / Various students including Russian, Chinese, Indian, Korean, Brazilian, German and Polish / Mass audience/ President Roosevelt speaks. SOUND EFFECTS: Roosevelt speaks: “Victory is essential, but victory is not enough for you - or for us. We must be sure that when you have won victory, you will not have to tell your chil
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