DEFENCE: British submarines on active service (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Finest pictures yet taken of British submarines on active service, convey vivid idea of wartime life under-sea craft. Full Description: SV INT. sub. men playing cards. LV man asleep on bunk. SV and CU INT. battery room. LV sub. at dawn. SV crew working instruments for diving. Shot showing water over sub. submerging... IN ROLL SV crew watching dials. CU turning handle. Shot showing sub. under water which disappears pan up to sea. SV sailor operating periscope switch. SCU periscope comes up and commander looks through. CU periscope at top of sea. GV sub. comes to surface. S hot showing torpedo fire. GV, STV, GV and STV sub. guns fire. GAV sub. at speed. LV sub. at sea. SV crew on conning tower. SV pan crew on conning tower keeping lookout. CU Jolly Roger and Ensign flags flying. GOOD SCENES: Shots of subs. a
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