Link :
Here are some novice fight snippets to give you some idea on how you can deal with each focus challenges.
This is a small fighting game I have developed with mostly fankit assets and some freelanced work.
It is not a game that can be played for hours; but it should be a nice experience nonetheless.
Completely free & completely unofficial :)
-- Gameplay --
It is time for our Tenno to take matters into their hands and teach these warframes some lessons. Challenge them on a one-to-one combat under the glorious violet moon.
Punch, kick, throw and be the last one standing on this glade.
Prove them who the True Master is!
------- Legal Notice -------
This is a completely free and unofficial fan-game.
The models and concepts that are being used in the game are all either inspired or directly taken from Warframe.
All of the digital rights belong to Digital Extremes Ltd.
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