John William Duarte: Variations on a Catalan Folksong “Canco de Llabre,” for Guitar (1956)

Score Maker/Music Chat Discord Server: John William Duarte ( 1919 - 2004 ) The English guitarist John Duarte worked first as a chemist before turning to music. He made an important contribution to guitar music and guitar performance in Britain – as a composer, performer and teacher. Duarte’s music for the guitar and lute includes some 130 pieces, in addition to arrangements and material for teaching. Variations on a Catalan Folksong, for Guitar op. 25 ( 1956 ) “Canco de Llabre” Two more of these works have ‘national’ overtones. Variations on a Catalan folk song were written for and on the suggestion of John Williams. The tune, Canco del lladre (Song of the thief), is perhaps more solemn than one might expect — but he is/was already in prison. The variations are virtuosic and exploit a variety of textures and moods; the tonics of their keys — #.F, follow the sequence of the bass line in Miguel Llobet’s setting of the tune! Movements
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