CGI Animated Short Film: “Fowl Goblin“ by The Animation School | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Fowl Goblin Animated Short Film by The Animation School. Featured on CGMeetup
In the depths of the African Savannah, a mischievous, pie loving goblin begins his daily routine by visiting his best friends’ on a chicken farm, while cleverly managing to avoid the clutches of a vigilant farmer. After making his way to the kitchen and helping himself to a feast of his favorite food, the satisfied goblin accidentally learns the disturbing truth to the mysterious secret ingredient of the famous pie recipe. . .
Credits -
The Animation School
Digital Artists: Samantha Nortje, Helmut-Sisipho Fritsche, Abdullah Akram, Ruben Bouma, Helmut-Sisipho Fritsche, Harry Napier, Havivah Jarzin, Jason Viljoen, Jonah Filen, Liezel Jacobs, Mario De Rose.
Sound Design - Pressure Cooker Studios
Music - Pressure Cooker Studios
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