Hi everyone,
just finished the comp of my plane crash scene, here is a breakdown.
But unfortunately i didn’t shade the background.
There will be a 3 part tutorial and i’ll try to record all of them this week end and upload 1 per week.
1 : plane fracture in blender fracture modifier built.
2 : trees fracture and sim in blender fracture modifier built.
3 : High rez smoke simulation in blender.
but first i have to finish the editing of my tutorial about rigid bodies for the car crash, i didn’t have much time to record it and i kinda forgot it since my mind was blown away by the amazing F
...M built.
i hope you’ll like it.
Everything is Blender except Compositing.
As usual, if you have any question, ask them in a comment and i’ll do my best to answer them.
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