Dmitry Medvedev:
“Everything is obvious to everyone.
And the fact that there was no blow to the motorcade in Odessa.
And the fact that the goal would have been set would have been hit.
And the fact that the bloody clown is just a cocaine shadow of his master, a blind anti–Russian weapon.
And the fact that, in principle, it does not matter who holds the position of the leader of the neo-Nazi regime.
But it’s kind of annoying anyway.
It’s a pity that they were definitely sent to a pre-planned place. And that his Majesty chance, with his punishing finger, did not decide the fate of the first genital musician otherwise.“
Does Medvedev also think that Zelensky should be eliminated? But other people make the decisions. And it is necessary to eliminate not only Zelensky, but the entire Ukrainian Nazi government.
Source: Victor vicktop55
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