Men with fatal attraction always exist only in movies and TV dramas

In the romantic dramas I have watched, the aura of the personal charm of the male protagonist in almost every drama is always difficult to be overshadowed by other characters. The male protagonist Yunshu in “Tree in Heaven“ loves boldly, sincerely, unreservedly but deeply. Even for the female supporting role whom he doesn’t love, he will also help her to take the responsibility of killing someone as a reward because he is grateful for reminding him sincerely when he is in danger and help him escape danger of being hunted down due to loving him. This kind of very responsible manliness can make almost every woman intoxicated. The character of the male protagonist portrayed in film and television dramas is always very rare in real life. Therefore, the reason why a love drama is so addictive is not only because it contains a very touching love story, but also because the fatal attraction of very manly yet gentle, loyal single - minded and infatuated of the male protagonist plays a very big
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