Femininity will save the world

Femininity Day was created by Maitreya Rael, spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, in 2004 and since then is celebrated worldwide on March 8th, International Woman Day. The goal is to emphasize the crucial importance of feminine qualities which are the only antidote to the violence in the world; in fact the development of Femininity is the key to peace on Earth and the only hope for the future of Humanity, since in todays world of ever increasing tension and war, our chances of survival are diminishing by the second, making it increasingly urgent to cultivate the values of absolute non-violence and compassion. Femininity is not related to gender: one can be either male or female and develops values associated with it, such as listening, empathy, gentleness, kindness, humility and overall is a refinement; furthermore one of the main components of femininity is the importance of the absolute respect for life, with no cause justifying the death or suffering of a human being, and the importance
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